AtyrauBuild / WorldBuild Atyrau 2017: Strong impetus for the development of the Caspian region
April 2017 will make Atyrau the major attraction for new construction projects and investments, where the 16th North Caspian Regional Building and Interior Exhibition Atyrau Build / World Build Atyrau 2017 will take place on April 11-13.
For the first time this event will be held in the new Exhibition Center, the only specialized expocenter in the oblast which is in line with the latest technical requirements and has all the infrastructure, necessary both to host the participants and welcome the visitors.
Over 16 years, the AtyrauBuild / WorldBuild Exhibition Atyrau has been reaffirming its relevance for the business community as every time it recruits more and more participants and serves as a venue for numerous business meetings followed by beneficial agreements and contracts. It should be noted that the event gets special attraction not only from Kazakhstani companies, but also from international industry players. In particular, one of the participants of the Exhibition of 2017 is an Italian company producing constructive systems of prefabricated buildings.
The uptrend of the public and business interest is caused by the situation at this industry market of the Atyrau oblast which, according to the data of the end of 2016, registered the highest growth rate in the field of construction with the increase by 41.8 %. As reported by the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the volumes of the commissioned housing in the Atyrau oblast achieved 558 599 square meters which means it grew by 101,6 % if compared with 2015.
Nowadays, the Atyrau oblast keeps the leading position in attracting foreign funding. The region takes more than 46 % of all external investments of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There will be another remarkable event, which will be held in conjunction with the Exhibition, and which is the IV International Investment Forum ATYRAU INVEST–2017. Last year the Forum resulted in signing 9 memorandums of cooperation between the region and local and foreign investors for the overall amount of more than 205 billion of tenge or 609 million of dollars.
«The Atyrau Oblast has achieved a status of one of the largest industrial centers of the Caspian region, and it continues to develop by increasing its production rates, bringing modern technologies, encouraging small and medium businesses and attracting large investors. Today, the oblast maintains collaboration with more than 50 countries of the world, and there are more than 1 000 of success stories from the joint ventures operating in the oblast", said the Akim of the oblast, Mr. Nurlan Nogayev, in his welcome speech to the participants of the exhibition.
AtyrauBuild 2016 Exhibition will be held in parallel to Global Oil&Gas Atyrau 2016 Exhibition and Conference.
The event is organized by the Kazakhstani exhibition company Iteca and its international partner, ITE Group.
The official support is provided by the Akimat of the Atyrau oblast and the Akimat of the city of Atyrau.
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