Emmedue achieves the European Certification ETA for the Emmedue Single Panel.
Approved by EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Assessment in the area of construction products), the European ETA Certification represents a very important goal and an absolute record for Emmedue.
The certification procedure
Emmedue finally achieved this goal after a work started several years ago and that heavily engaged the Company, leding to the execution of numerous lab tests and to a significant work of research developed in collaboration with ENEA and EUCENTRE. The latter, in particular, in the person of Prof. Alberto Pavese, followed and supported all activities of testing, data interpretation analysis, as well as the drafting of the documents necessary to achieve the prestigious target.
New Scenarios for Emmedue
Thanks to the recently obtained certification, Emmedue will be able to consolidate and expand its over ten years of presence on the European market.
In fact, the possibility of using the Emmedue Single Panel also for structural purposes, as it already happens in almost all countries where Emmedue is present, significantly extends the application design possibilities of the Emmedue Building System in the EU market. Furthermore, this new possibility of application of Emmedue Single Panel increases a significant economic and time saving, in compliance with the highest quality standards and the most severe regulations in the construction sector.
The European ETA Certification represents the result of an investment aimed to reinforce even more the company reliability at international level: since always, in fact, Emmedue has been engaged with research and innovation and it takes great care in achieving awards and certification in the different Countries where it operates by making tests in the most important laboratories and research centres of the world.
ETA finally allows the European building market to resort to an industrialized building system, which is also reliable, cost effective and fast.
The certification will also enable those who want to comply to dispose of a sure and reliable quality standard – which has been subjected to the examination of 28 technical representatives of the European States – for the control, the designing and the use of the Emmedue technology.
Emmedue will be present AtyrauBuild / WorldBuild Atyrau enabling entrepreneurs interested to manufacture and sell the Emmedue Advanced Building System. See you in AtyrauBuild / WorldBuild Atyrau 2017!
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